The Customer Of Tomorrow

Customers always wanted custom-made products and tailored service. That said, today’s customer is quite the same as the customer of the XIXth and the XXth century. The mass production and tech advancements make the difference today: mass production is making products cheaper and tech is making them customizable.

Moreover, widespread use of mobile devices results in new customer habits where apps and services are available for installation and use on the go. What does it mean in terms of customer behavior, sentiment, and habits? Continue reading →

Creating UI With The Right Mindset

After you’ve been working so much on convincing them, when people surrender and finally incorporate your product or service in their lives, you can guess that they will have high expectation from it.

In the last years, our lives changed irreversibly with the introduction of various technologies, applications and services that made our everyday functioning easier, more pleasant. Our thirst for information and productivity “on-the-go” as well as in front of a computer grew exponentially. Continue reading →